Hugo Glendinning Studio: 4 Blackbird Yard,
Ravenscroft St, London E2 7RP

Biography 2019
Hugo Glendinning has been working as a photographer and film maker for thirty years. His output stretches across the cultural industries from contemporary art collaborations in video and photography, through production and performance documentation to portrait work. He has worked with most leading British theatre and dance companies and is regularly commissioned by The RSC, National Theatre and Royal Opera House.
He has published and exhibited work internationally, notably his continuing project of documentation and the investigation of performance with Tim Etchells and Forced Entertainment Theatre Company.
His work with artists Paola Pivi, Martin Creed, Matthew Barney, Dan Colen, Yinka Shonibare MBE and Franko B recording both performances for camera and public performances or events are in private collections and museums around the world.
In the last decade his work with moving image has developed into an increasingly important part of his practice. The documentary Uncertain Fragments co-directed with Tim Etchells about the work of Forced Entertainment was screened at the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, New York in 2016. The collaboration with Professor Adrian Heathfield making performance lectures has developed into a range of other projects including a series of 5 films co-directed with Heathfield of conversations with leading philosophers and thinkers. Heathfield and Glendinning’s first major experimental documentary Spirit Labour (2017) explores the nature of dance through the lives of three exceptional women artists, Anna Halprin, Janine Antoni and Helene Cixous. They are currently working on a feature length documentary about the work of performance artist Tehching Hsieh, recently dubbed ‘the Master’ by Marina Abramovic. A short cut of the film has recently been shown as part of the Taiwan pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale 2017.
A regular visiting lecturer at Universities around the UK, Hugo was an AHRC fellow at Exeter University in the Department of Drama between 2008-2011.